

Kommunikationsløsninger til alle behov

Opnå større selvstændighed med vores kommunikationshjælpemidler og løsninger til alternativ og supplerende kommunikation (ASK). Få hjælp til at udvikle dine kommunikations-, læse- og skrivefærdigheder, så du kan leve et mere uafhængigt liv.

Tobii Dynavox Devices icon


Touch and eye gaze-enabled devices for communication and computer access.

Tobii Dynavox apps icon


Apps, software and resources for communication and computer access.

Tobii Dynavox accessories icon


Accessories and spare or replacement parts for our full range of devices.

Tobii Dynavox low tech AAC icon

Low-tech AAC

Low-tech solutions, for use either alone or in combination with high-tech devices.

Tobii Dynavox Devices icon

Touch and eye gaze-enabled devices for communication and computer access.

Tobii Dynavox apps icon


Apps, software and resources for communication and computer access.

Tobii Dynavox accessories icon


Accessories and spare or replacement parts for our full range of devices.

Tobii Dynavox low tech AAC icon

Low-tech AAC

Low-tech solutions, for use either alone or in combination with high-tech devices.

TD I-110

A purpose-built touch screen speech generating device pre-loaded with a powerful AAC app.


A fast, light, gaze-enabled speech generating device, featuring the world's #1 eye tracker.

Speech Case

A durable case that transforms an iPad into a true AAC speech tablet with integrated speakers. 

Tobii Dynavox Talecomputere ikon


Talecomputere med øjenstyring og touch til kommunikation og alternativ betjening

Tobii Dynavox apps ikon


Apps, software, spil og ressourcer til kommunikation og alternativ betjening

TD I-110

Et specialdesignet kommunikationshjælpemiddel med touchskærm og en forhåndsinstalleret kraftfuld ASK-app.

TD I-Series

En hurtig og let talecomputer med verdensførende øjenstyring.

Speech Case

En iOS kommunikationstablet forhåndsinstalleret med en kraftfuld kommunikationsapp.

TD I-110

A purpose-built touch screen speech generating device pre-loaded with a powerful AAC app.

TD I-Series

A fast, light, gaze-enabled speech generating device, featuring the world's #1 eye tracker.

Speech Case

A durable case that transforms an iPad into a true AAC speech tablet with integrated speakers. 

Apps & software

Nu kan du kommunikere på din måde med apps, software, spil og andre ressourcer.

Person, som bruger kommunikationsappen, TD Snap, på en kommunikationstablet
TD Snap ikon

TD Snap

TD Snap

En fleksibel ASK-software med et udvalg af løsninger til at opfylde forskellige behov. Komplet med værktøjer og ressourcer.

Tobii Dynavox Communicator 5 ikon

Communicator 5

Communicator 5

Et komplet kommunikationsprogram der både gør det muligt at kommunikere med tekst samt at forbinde flere kommunikationsredskaber.

Using Tobii Dynavox Communicator 5 with an eye tracker
Using Tobii Dynavox Snap Core First app at a party
Tobii Dynavox Communicator 5 icon

Snap Core First

A symbol-based communication app enabling a path to literacy at any stage of language development.

Tobii Dynavox Communicator 5 icon

Communicator 5

An AAC solution designed to help literate individuals with language disabilities communicate more efficiently.

Using Tobii Dynavox Communicator 5 with an eye tracker


Customize your device with accessories such as keyguards, carry bags, mounts and spare parts.